sábado, 18 de julho de 2009

Finalmente chegou o Verão (foto daqui).

2 comentários:

  1. not for long though...yesterday and today were awful!!! but then again i wouldnt surprised..even the well known high pressure system of the azores has left us to our own will...lololol(i dont blame it..)

  2. katt (yeah summer..only on the calendar...)23 de julho de 2009 às 20:11

    still NO "verão"....at least not here in the middle of the atlantic! stupid weather is getting on my blistering nerves! ok,today wasnt bad but its still cold and the damn wind still lurks...and from what windguru says,no mans land, is in for more bad weather!High Pressure System of the azores??!!! my foot....it sure as hell isnt sitting over the Azores!!
